VCLF is hiring an Impact Investment Manager to focus on impact investor and donor relations, investment and grant management, events, and support for the Board of Directors. This position is VCLF’s main point of contact with our diverse community of impact investors. Read More
“When you’re starting up a business, there are a lot of things you need to know, and a lot of resources to know about. The Loan Fund was there to direct me down the right path.” Read More
New American entrepreneur Marina Smith made her dream of opening her own bridal showroom come true. But when the mall she leased from suddenly closed, she didn't know if she could finance a re-opening...until she met with the Loan Fund..Read More
VCLF is hiring a Director of Housing & Community Facilities Programs. This position is responsible for preparing, underwriting and processing loan applications, outreach/relationship-building/marketing to affordable housing developers and nonprofit service providers, providing technical assistance to organizations for loan preparation, and overseeing the VCLF’s portfolio of housing and community facilities loans..Read More
The Vermont Community Loan Fund has launched the Justice Forward Fund, a new financing and business assistance resource for Black, Indigenous & Vermonters of Color (BIPOC Vermonters). A Special Purpose Credit Program, the JFF provides low-/no-cost loans and business development services..Read More
Ten years ago, the Loan Fund launched our first technical assistance programming in the form of Project SUCCESS, which provided specialized resources and services to support early care & learning entrepreneurs. But since then, things have evolved quite a bit, says Elena Gustavson, VCLF’s Director of Business Resources..Read More