The Vermont Community Loan Fund (VCLF) is hiring a Senior Accountant to apply principles of accounting to record and analyze financial information, and prepare financial reports for internal and external customers. This includes responsibility for all general ledger accounting transactions, maintaining general and subsidiary ledgers, government reporting, and preparing financial statements.
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VCLF is hiring an Impact Investment Manager to focus on impact investor and donor relations, investment and grant management, events, and support for the Board of Directors. This position is VCLF’s main point of contact with our diverse community of impact investors. Read More
Ten years ago, the Loan Fund launched our first technical assistance programming in the form of Project SUCCESS, which provided specialized resources and services to support early care & learning entrepreneurs. But since then, things have evolved quite a bit, says Elena Gustavson, VCLF’s Director of Business Resources..Read More
In the fourth quarter of 2021, VCLF loaned $1.58 million to Vermont's small businesses, early care & learning programs and affordable housing developers..Read More
Sydney Swindell, Doctor of Physical Therapy, (DPT) wanted to open a new, state-of-the-art clinic in Vermont, to serve Vermonters of all ages. When she approached the Vermont Community Loan Fund for financing, doors opened..Read More
For over 20 years, VCLF has stood by Vermont’s early care & learning programs, providing financing and free-to-the-borrower business development resources, lending over $10.7 million to Vermont programs that have created and preserved more than 4,700 child care slots to date..Read More
VCLF marked another major milestone this December, as our loan team completed the processing of our final federal PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) loan forgiveness application. In total, we administered PPP loans for 57 Vermont small businesses; we expect 56 to be granted full loan forgiveness..Read More