VCLF Helps Bring VT Salumi to Barre
The Times-Argus reports fine meat producer Vermont Salumi will open a facility in the former Homer Fitts building in downtown Barre..Read More
The Vermont Community Loan Fund (VCLF) is hiring a Senior Accountant to apply principles of accounting to record and analyze financial information, and prepare financial reports for internal and external customers. This includes responsibility for all general ledger accounting transactions, maintaining general and subsidiary ledgers, government reporting, and preparing financial statements. Read More
VCLF is hiring an Impact Investment Manager to focus on impact investor and donor relations, investment and grant management, events, and support for the Board of Directors. This position is VCLF’s main point of contact with our diverse community of impact investors. Read More
Read all about VCLF's restaurant owner/chef borrowers, and find out what they've been cooking up! Read More
The Times-Argus reports fine meat producer Vermont Salumi will open a facility in the former Homer Fitts building in downtown Barre..Read More
Attention! The grant round for Building Bright Spaces for Bright Futures will be delayed this year..Read More
In January, Building Bright Futures (BBF), Vermont’s early childhood state advisory council, issued their latest report, Building Vermont’s Future from the Child Up, outlining the think tank’s recommendations to ensure high-quality, affordable, accessible early care and learning opportunities for all Vermont families..Read More
Learn about recent loans to the Skinny Pancake, Amber Bollman Child Care, Cedar Sawmill of Vermont, NU Chocolat, and West Meadow Farm Bakery..Read More
The plates at the new pizzeria in Fairfax are nine-inch pizza pans that cost 70 cents apiece. The silverware is left over from a Stowe wedding. The base of the table by the front door, a low wooden pedestal, was found in the woods by chef and co-owner Silas Pollitt when he was foraging for mushrooms. It holds a slab of rock that evokes the name of the restaurant: Stone's Throw Pizza..Read More
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