VCLF is hiring an Impact Investment Manager to focus on impact investor and donor relations, investment and grant management, events, and support for the Board of Directors. This position is VCLF’s main point of contact with our diverse community of impact investors. Read More
“When you’re starting up a business, there are a lot of things you need to know, and a lot of resources to know about. The Loan Fund was there to direct me down the right path.” Read More
There are numerous reasons why the Vermont Early Childhood Alliance’s new Executive Director Matt Levin is a great fit for his job. There’s the fact that he earned his wings as a lobbyist in Washington, D.C., where he regularly strategized over federal issues with legislators and fellow policy wonks.Read More
Are Vermont’s kids getting the quality early education and care they need to succeed in life - or even in kindergarten? Robyn Freedner-Maguire of Let’s Grow Kids is working to ensure the answers to those questions are a resounding yes.Read More
VCLF has completed its Strategic Plan, addressing goals for years 2013 - 2018. We're so gratefull to our Board and staff members who worked tirelessly on this document, which you can view here.Read More